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Our Mission
It is our belief that all Long Island Area practitioners (and providers) of metaphysical, holistic and spiritual services or products, should have an opportunity to reach as many seekers of knowledge as possible.  When many are constrained by financial limitations, those in search of information and indeed the planet ultimately suffers. 

We seek to "level the playing field" by providing this on-line information resource of which all may take advantage at no cost.  Those individuals and organizations who are able to do so are also encouraged to participate at no cost as well as take advantage of other "for fee" services appropriate to their needs and means.

We will continue to strive to be the most comprehensive and inclusive on-line resource to those seeking information and services as well as those able to provide information and services to those who seek the knowledge.  We are all richer when we share knowledge that brings us closer to Spirit individually and collectively.

Contact Us
You can reach us via telephone, email and snailmail.  Here's how.

Our Company and are the intellectual property of Third Millennium Resources, Inc. of Greenlawn, New York. To Learn more about or company and other  services we provide, please visit the Third Millennium page.

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