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Find a Provider:    LI/Metro Directory
   Links to LI Sites
   Provider Mini Profiles
   Our Sponsors
  Provider Webpages

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 Guardian Angels:
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If you thought you had to go hundreds of miles to find a qualified practitioner of acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy or pilates, think again. Our area is home to more than 800 practitioners of an untold number of techniques as well as shops, home vendors and manufacturers of products to meet almost every need you might have. You can enjoy the scenery of beautiful Long Island and enjoy quality holistic care right in your own backyard. You can find your provider in a number of ways outlined on this page. Take time to peruse them all, everyone is not listed in each category.

Directory for Enhanced Living
Covering Long Island and the NY metro area, in this directory, practitioners and providers are listed in alphabetical order based upon the manner in which they submitted their information. Though there is no search capability, reading through the listings is an education in itself. Go to the Directory for Enhanced Living now.

Links to Local Sites
Here you will find a searchable links section to practitioners who operate in the LI/Metro area. You can also connect to an older version of our links page which is a bit more comprehensive though it is static and not searchable. Links to Nationally known people and organizations can also be found on this older static links page. Go to the new searchable NY area links page now. Go to the older static local and national links page now. Due to the volume of out of area links that were being submitted, we recently added a searchable links page for providers outside the NY area as well.

Provider Profiles
Here you will find websites created by practitioners to describe their services in a brief paragraph or two. Not searchable but since it it a free service we expect a good number of individuals to be represented here over time. A valuable tool in your search for a provider. Go to the provider profile page now.

Our Sponsors
This future category will highlight those Practitioners and Providers has made substantial contributions to support this web site and keep it free to you. We ask that you patronize these businesses and let them know you learned about them at this site. Thank you.

Provider Webpages
In this future section we will be highlighting those providers who have chosen us to create and host their websites. We are honored by their placing their trust in us and in return we offer this special way to bring them to your attention. We are grateful to their support which helps to keep us online.

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Offering Quality Marketing  & Website Services to the Discriminating Conscious Practitioner