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A Conversation with Pete A. Sanders Jr.
by Lee Keil

Photo of Pete A. Sanders Jr.

Pete was very excited about the opportunity to do an interview with The Third Millennium Calendar as an adjunct to his January 1997 lecture tour to the New York Area. Sometime before our conversation, in private meditation Pete received the following message "In the Third Millennium, our destiny is to fully tap the dimensions of the soul and beyond." Ever since Sanders declined acceptance to Harvard Medical School to pursue studies in the area of the human brain and the senses, thousands of us how have learned to tap dimensions beyond our five physical senses thanks to his groundbreaking work.

Sanders prides himself in making the process of self exploration affordable and available to all. Believing that one need not spend a small fortune and study decades with a guru to achieve results, his books offer detailed instructions suitable for the novice. For those who learn more easily through class room type instruction, or enjoy the opportunities for interaction afforded by an instructor, Sanders and instructors from the "Free Soul" Foundation offer lectures and classes here and abroad for minimal fees.

In his first book entitled "You Are Psychic!" (Ballantine Books, New York), Sanders describes four principal psychic types and teaches the reader specific techniques for developing each one of their own psychic abilities. The book is filled with a variety of interesting stories about his own personal experiences with the techniques as well as those by his students and instructors. It serves as a terrific primer for those who would like to develop their own abilities and prefer learning in the comfort and privacy of their own homes.

After training hundreds of people on how to develop their intuitive abilities for over twenty years, Sanders was not through helping us to tap into our innate abilities. As he approached middle age, emotional pressures of a family, a heavy travel and lecture schedule, two teen-aged children and building a major national non-profit foundation gave Sanders plenty of reasons to feel stressed. Whereas many today would have sought refuge in prescription medication, he chose a different approach. His newest book is a product of this very stressful period in his life. "If we have been successfully teaching people how to focus on brain areas to turn up their intuition and psychic sensitivity, why can't we do the same thing for the mood elevation centers of the brain? We've known about mood elevation centers and mechanisms in the brain for 40 years, it's just never been put together with a mind/body approach before. That's what I set out to do, primarily for personal survival reasons."

His new book "Access Your Brain's Joy Center" outlines effective techniques he discovered to deal with the stresses that he simply could not vanquish any other way. "I have come to believe that part of the third millennium is for us to rise above our animal nature" Sanders says. According to his book, what a lot of people do not realize is that there is a part of our brains, the limbic system, that is responsible for keeping us closely tied to our ancient animal nature which can manifest its self as needless suffering and anxiety. In fact, the scientific community has just recently announced that they have located a gene responsible for anxiety! As primative beings a gene for anxiety, or or being worry-ridden was a matter of survival. Today that same gene holds us hostage and inhibits our ability to maximize higher functioning. Essentially "we are entering the third millennium with our souls trapped in dinosaur physiology." The Joy Touch technique discussed in this second book offers a way to ease the pull of those suffering mechanisms in the brain. This is accomplished by mentally " triggering the septal nuclei of the septum pellucidum area of the brain." Though this explanation appears complex, the technique is really quite simple and borrows from common biofeedback methods in use today. Another aspect of accessing your "Joy Center" for effective mood elevation is the complementary use of positive mental affirmation-like thoughts which Sanders calls "the comforting connection."

While the medical community at large has been reticent to embrace Sanders' findings, it was not always so. It was research done by Dr. Heath back in the late 50's and early 60's, and subsequently lost and buried with the rise of treatment with chemicals, that first prompted his exploration into this new area of mind/body science. Current reseach of the "Joy Touch" technique consists of a single pilot study run in early 1995 at Northern Arizona University. He welcomes other researchers to delve into this area of study more deeply "and pick up that gauntlet"

Sanders has developed so many useful techniques to tap our potentials there is not enough room here to discuss them all. In fact you would have to attend all the different lectures and workshops scheduled here in January (and then some) to fully appreciate the scope of his work. Some highlights of his evening lecture at the Eyes of Learning on January 10th will include a psychic "scanning" technique which is not covered in his books as well as some "breakthrough concepts for mind/body healing" involving using dimensions of the soul to heal the tissue with higher levels of energy. A highlight of the Saturday workshop, also at the Eyes of Learning, will be what Sanders calls the "positive past life memory technique" that will teach you how not only to positively clear and heal traumatic past life issues, but even more interestingly, a technique for being able to pull forward memories past life masteries (such as skills or awareness) that could be useful in a current stressful or difficult situations.

"Individual exploration has always preceeded technology" Sanders says "There are three great frontiers in our world today: space, the oceans, and inner human potential and we all can't be an astronaut or Jacques Cousteau. Everyone can be a pioneer in expanding the boundaries of human potential if they have the desire and know the mechanics of how to explore. Learning to tap the unlimited powers of your mind and spirit is your most valuable resource." Sanders provides all of us with the tools to tap into our potential. Whether we choose to be pioneers or not is, of course, entirely up to each one of us.

For more information contact: Free Soul, PO Box 1762, Sedona, AZ 86339 (520)282-9425 or visit the web site at:

Click on links below for more information, or to buy any of these fine books by Pete A Sanders Jr.