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Reality Creation with Lania Desmond
Discovering the Future Self

by Lee Keil

photo of Lania

What if you woke up one day and you were on your true soul path, in alignment with your purpose, being fully supported by everyone and everything.... and you knew you were alive and well. How can this be accomplished you might ask? By discovering how to create a new reality for yourself says Lania Desmond originator of a Reality Creation process she facilitates. Think about this. People you meet for the first time today, only know the person you are today, not the person you were five or ten years ago. They only know what you tell them about yourself. In the absence of any other information, these new acquaintances will likely treat you in accordance with their perception of you based upon what you have told them - their perception of you is their reality. Every day of our lives we are constantly creating a new reality but usually one directed by experiences and lessons we learned, often at a very early age, that exist in our subconscious. Like a program on a computer, we follow these silent instructions everyday of our lives, but if the reality we are living as a result leaves us dissatisfied or feeling unfulfilled, doesn't it make sense to change the program? Wow! what an intriguing concept, but can it really be done? An emphatic "yes!" says Desmond "anyone can do it if they know how."

The idea of creating a new reality is both fascinating and appealing. Sure we all have a part of our lives we wish was a little different, that we would like to tweak or fix, but change and change it fundamentally and completely? That can be pretty scary for most people. "Everyone is somewhat comfortable with their story, even though they want to make major changes in their lives, they need to be motivated to step outside of their comfort zone." says Desmond. The "story" is simply the story of our lives, from conception, up to this point in time. The aggregate of all our ideas, concepts, beliefs and experiences that we have allowed to create our reality thus far. As Desmond says, "whatever you give attention to is what you create" which is why giving attention to and relying on all this old "stuff" to create our future reality, just leads us down the path of creating all the same stuff (both good and bad) we've been experiencing up to now. We all have the ability to create any reality we want for ourselves, but to do so we must "make space" or create room for our new reality to take hold, to grow, to become an integrated part of manifest.

Rather than going through life using the past as the only frame of reference by which to view and create our future, Desmond takes the opposite and rather unique approach of working with people to view and experience life from a perspective of one's own ultimate (an idealized) future. Not only does she facilitate a process to allow others to experience and live from their future now, Desmond lives fully in the manner she espouses as well. In fact, during the course of the many conversations we had associated with writing this article, several attempts were made to bring our conversations to a discussion of her background. Most attempts were met with resistance. This hesitancy however did not come from a place of deception but rather from the standpoint of what's the point? "In my future, all that stuff doesn't have any value or meaning" she says and unless you have gone through one of her Reality Creation workshops or phone sessions, the response sounds cryptic at best. Desmond's not kidding when she says "the process is a whole lot harder to explain than it is to do. It's kind of like trying to explain what color is to someone who can only see in black and white." In fact, most of her friends these days are people who have gone though her Reality Creation process. In part because it enables the participant to perceive their own life in a totally new way, by completely restructuring their frame of reference. It is as though you are "awakening from a dream only to see who you really are - your true self" as some students have said.

I have to admit that I too had a hard time understanding it at first. After attending an introductory one hour lecture (now available on audio cassette) and a half hour one-on-one "sample" session, I was intrigued. Here was something that made me laugh and sounded like it could be fun. I knew this was something I wanted to do. Though I thought my motivation was primarily journalistic, there was a part of me that wanted to make some changes in my life as well, but I had something more like a "lifelift" in mind - not a total "makeover". Then I thought about something that a close friend once told me. "We all have some baggage we carry around" she said. "Some people have overnighters or weekenders. You are carrying around a steamer trunk." Then there was that Graphologist (handwriting analyst) at the Holistic Weekend in Ellensville where I met Lania Desmond for the first time. He suggested I had "a deep lingering issue with your mother." Or the almost total stranger who was my "experiential partner" at a Barbara Brennan lecture who referred me to a couple he knows that do "deep work." After all that, how could I not give it a try? I obviously was in need of major surgery - emotional liposuction! ...So I did.

Desmond's Reality Creation process is quite straightforward. The initial five sessions, which constitute a fundamental framework for other advanced session work as well, is known by the name SoulPoint™. During these sessions, either in a weekend group workshop or individual sessions over the phone, the client is guided though the exploration and recreation of the five life-significant areas of; mother, God, father, relationships and birth. During introductory lectures or conversations, Desmond shies away from going into too much detail concerning the content of a session preferring to focus on the outcomes or results that can be derived from participation. This is largely due to the fact that the actual content or verbiage used in each session is tailored to issues relative to the specific individual or workshop participants. Not surprisingly, the individual telephone session allows for a much more highly focused discussion while the experience is intensified by the interaction of participants in the group setting. Each session concludes with some "energy work" being done by Desmond. This work is directed toward the client to "integrate the new awarenesses." Or put another way, it is an additional step to "reset a clients frequencies so old ways of being (concepts, belief, behaviors) are released while new energies (concepts, belief, behaviors) are being aligned."

Having gone through the initial five sessions of the SoulPoint process, I finally understand what it is all about. What we did in the sessions was essentially to change the way I saw myself, which causes everything else to change as well. While I could easily relate the content of each session step-by-step, it would sound too simplistic, almost as though it were a do-it-yourself kind of experience - which it really isn't. Desmond's terrific sense of humor, gentle guidance and the frequent use of analogies to illustrate key points, are also very important elements in the process. I have been told that the sessions really just start the process of creating my future self and that the unfolding happens largely on it's own, without much fanfare. That's fine with me as I certainly don't need anything more "to do." In a recent conversation, one woman who went through the process last November told Desmond about how great things were in her life, about her first new car and how she was finally attracting the kind of men she had always wanted. Then she went on to say "but you know Lania, I really don't know what good those sessions really did." Laughing as she related the story, Desmond continued "I am not surprised she did not connect the events, because when change truly occurs - all you are aware of is the result!" The fact that significant changes occurred so naturally and seemingly without effort underscores the beauty of this Reality Creation process. I know I already see things very differently as a result. By the end of the day following my first session, I was able to make some very important decisions that I had been wrestling with for some time and I did so with complete confidence. I already find myself treating my family in a very different manner that I know is better for everyone. And only the other day, without any hesitation, I got my hair cut in a radically different style which I would never have considered in the past!

I can only imagine how different my life will look in a year, or five, or ten but that's the whole point of the changes wrought by Reality Creation through the SoulPoint process. What we give attention to, we create. I've chosen to give my attention to the future I want to create rather than to a past that no longer exists. Now I actually understand what she meant when she said "in my future, all that stuff doesn't have meaning or value" because it doesn't have a place in my future either.

While Lania Desmond's schedule does not have her appearing in the New York area anytime in the near future, she is available to conduct telephone sessions in the meantime. She can be reached via voicemail at 1-800-982-5998 ext. 123 to request an audio taped copy of her introductory lecture (for a nominal $5 payment to cover shipping and handling) or to schedule a free introductory consultation. Additional information can also be found on the internet at